

  1. 我知道郵件收發的工作不是你想要的,但請充分利用這個機會發揮你的能力。
    I know this mailroom job isn't what you wanted, but try to make the most of it.

    I got out of work early today, so I'll make the most of it by running some errands.

  2. 我差點因丟了新客戶完蛋,但老闆沒跟我計較。
    I almost got blamed for losing the new client, but the boss let me off the hook.

    My boss almost gave me a whole new project, but she let me off the hook when she saw how busy I am.

  3. 這個慣用語是指,你們各自退了一步,達成雙贏,也就是互相妥協。
    If you meet someone halfway, it's like you both give up a little bit so that you can both gain a common good. So it's like a mutual compromise. 

  4. 莎莉負氣離開銷售會議後,哈利試圖向他道歉。
    Harry tried to patch things up with Sally after she stormed out of sale meeting.

    Yolanda and Frank are still trying to patch up their relationship after Frank forgot her birthday again.

  5. 我是心甘情願到我叔叔的骨董店做事。
    My uncle's antique shop is a labor of love.

    My contract doesn't end till the end of the year, so it's labor of love until then.

  6. 雅達利壟斷了遊戲市場,直到任天堂推出超級馬力歐。
    Atari had cornered the video game market until Nintendo introduced Super Mario.

    Amazon has cornered the market on online shopping in America.

  7. 瑪格莉特決定勇敢發聲,向他老闆提出工時長和工資低的問題。
    Margaret decided to take the bull by the horns and confront the boss about long working hours and low pay at the company.

    We need to take the bull by the horns and figure out how to get our company out of debt.

